Basic Programs
- Sum of two numbers on c++
- Program to demonstrate signed and unsigned number in c++
- Program to print a car simply using text characters in c++
- Program to print heart simply using text characters in c++
- Program to show importance of getch and clrscr in c++
- Program which show importance of getchar in c++
- Program to show importance of getche in c++
- Program which demonstrate input output of 2 dimensional array in c++
- Program which demonstrate recursion in c++
- Program which show range of integers and other data types in c++
- Program which evalute the expression evalute x+pow(x,2)/2!+pow(x,4)/4!+_______ pow(x,n)/n! in c++
- Program which evalute the expression evalute z+z*z/2 +z*z*z/3 +z*z*z*z/4 in c++
- calulate-gain-in-amount-by-adding-11
Programs of Patterns
- Program to print address simply using text characters in c++
- Program to print Hut using loop in c++
- Program to print hut using loop with security code
- Program to print Pattern of pyramid in c++
- Program to print triangular pattern in c++
- Program to print double pyramid in c++
- Program to print diamond in c++
Programs of Recursion
- Program to print fabonacci series using recursion in c++
- Program to find factorial using recursion in c++
- Program to find the sum of n numbers using recursion in c++
Programs of Function
- Program to show basics of functions using c++
- Program to find HCF using functions in c++
- Program which takes a number and return the sum of its digits using function
Programs of String & Pointer
- Program to convert a string into lower case without using inbuilt function in c++
- Program to convert a string in uppercase without using inbuilt function
- Program to demonstrate periority of increment and decrement operators in c++
- Program to show single character at the cursor position in c++
- Program to print a random number in c++
- Program to remove first and last occurance of a character in c++
- Program of selection sort in c++
- Program to reverse the string without using inbuilt function
- Program which show the basics of pointer
- Program to count characters, words & lines in the string in c++
- Program to count vovels,digits,spaces,consonent and other characters in a string in c++
- Program to sort a string in c++
- Program to find number of substrings in a string in c++
- Program of password, where you write your password and it print in the form of stars
- Program of dynamic merge in c++
- Program of dynamic sort in c++
- Program to toggle a string in c++
- Program which convert float value to string in c++
- Program which demonstrate use of gotoxy
- Program of merge sort in c++
- Program to calculate occurance of word in the string in c++
- Program to find the factorial of large number in c++
- A string of charater is given.Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character. eg.: INPUT: AEGBCNAVNEETGUPTAEDAGPE, OUTPUT: E or I,J(if equal occurance)
- Two sentences are given and we were required to print the common word in the two sentences. Words were delimited by space, full stop, ? , ! and , . The trick in the question was that common word should be printed only once so if ur first sentence contains two word "how" and second contains "how" then in output how should be printed only once for this u can replace each matched word in second sentence by spaces
Programs of Array
- Program to find the transpose of matrix in c++
- Program to find largest number in each row of the matrix in c++
- Program to find the sum of rows of matrix in c++
- Program to find the sum of diagonal elements of matrix in c++
- Program to sort the array using function in c++
- Program to search a number present in number of times in the array and also find its location in c++
- Program to find the product of matrix using c++
- Program to simply insert elements in the array in c++
- Program of binary search of elements which are already sorted
- there is a matrix N x N .Its elements consist of either value =1 or value=0. If there is a any zero in the row, then the output matrix should have all zeroes in that row. If there is a single zero in any column then that column should have all zeroes n the output matrix. write the function to perform these operations
Programs of LinkList
- Program to show basics of link list in c++
- Program to count number of nodes in c++
- Program to count odd value nodes in c++
- Program to search a node in c++
- Program to search a node by value and replace it with next node
- Program to search a node and remove it in c++
- Program which demonstrate use of tree
- Program to remove alternative nodes in linklist in c++
- Program to reverse linklist in c++
- Program to enter name and email of student using linklist
- Program to show insert and deleting in queue in c++
- Program to remove duplicate node in c++
- Program to insert element in queue in c++
- Program to convert binary number into decimal number in c++
Intermediate Programs
- Programs to find the roots of fourth order algebric equation in c++
- Program to solve three variable algebric equation
- Program of simple railway reservation
- Program to replace a substring with another substring with same or different length in c++
- Program to reverse each word of string in c++
- Program to save the graphical output of c++
- Program of sparse matrix in c++
Programs of OOPS
- Program to add, subtract,multiply 2 complex numbers using classes in c++
- Program to find area and circumference of circle using classes in c++
- Program to demonstrate inline functions in classes in c++
Programs of basics of graphics
- Program to print rectangle without using inbuilt functions in c++
- Program to print rectangular bowl without using inbuilt function
- Program to print 'c graphics' in the line without using inbuilt graphic functions in c++
- Program to print menu without using inbuilt graphics functions
- Program of loading in c++
- Program of loading 2 in c++
- Program to moving boundries like game in c++
- Program to print all the ascii values of c++
- Program to print a barcode in c++
- Program to print a line in c++
- Program to print welcome screen in c++
Programs of Advanced graphics
- Program to demonstrate the use of setfillstyle in c++
- Program to select different background colours
- Program which demonstrate the use of text styles in c++
- Program which demonstrate use of line styles in c++
- Program to demonstrate use of text size in c++
- Program to print a graphical baby in c++
- Program of graphical loading like window in c++
- Program to print graphical loading 2 like window loading in c++
- Program to print mickey mouse in c++
- Program to print a variable box for text editor in c++
- Program to print database using lighted moving bulbs around the menu
- Program to print menu base in graphics in c++
- Program to print menu in very good graphics form
- Program to enter the values in student database in c++
- Program to enter the values of data of form in boxex and by pressing enter cursor goes to second box in c++
- Program to print main menu in graphics in c++
- Program which define the pixel on screen while moving the mouse cursor on the screen ion c++
- Program to draw line with the help of mouse on the screen just like paint in c++
- Program of moving three dimensional rectangular box in c++
- Program of main menu working with mouse using c++
- Program which take a number from keyboard and returns its ascii value, scan code, status code in c++
- Program which draw rectangle with mouse just like paint in c++
- Program of digital switches in c++
- Program to show the basics of screen saver in c++
- Program of text box in c++
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