void box();
int box_clr=6,bx1=100,bx2=400,by1=10,by2=460;
void main()
{ int d,m;
void box()
{ int butn=4;
int a[]={bx1,by1,bx2,by1,bx2,by1+4,bx1+4,by1+4,bx1+4,by2,bx1,by2,bx1,by1};
/* draw a filled polygon */
int b[]={bx2-10,by1+5,bx2,by1+5,bx2,by2,bx1+5,by2,bx1+5,by2-10,bx2-10,by2-10,bx2-10,by1+5};
//right top button
int c[]={bx2-10,by1+5,bx2,by1+5,bx2-5,by1+14,bx2-10,by1+5};
//right bottom button
int d[]={bx2-5,by2-19,bx2,by2-10,bx2-10,by2-10,bx2-5,by2-19};
//lower right button
int e[]={bx2-19,by2-5,bx2-10,by2-10,bx2-10,by2,bx2-19,by2-5};
//lower left button
int f[]={bx1+5,by2-10,bx1+14,by2-5,bx1+5,by2,bx1+5,by2-10};

- Upinder Singh Dhami
- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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program to print a variable box
Tuesday, September 1, 2009Posted by Upinder Singh Dhami at Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Labels: advance graphics
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